Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter, 2010

This is Easter today. We visited my sister, Dona, and had a picnic in an area near the assisted living facility where she lives. Dona's daughter, Nan, was also there with us, so it was a very nice pleasant family get-together.

It is Spring here and it has been obvious since we first arrived a couple of weeks ago. The red buds and dogwoods are in full bloom, as well as the azaleas. Last night we heard spring peepers.

The water situation is interesting. When we first came to this area some ten or so years ago, there was a swamp at the edge of the campground, full of water, with Cyprus trees with their legs in the water. Every year we came back the swamp was receding, to such an extent that last year the poor Cyprus trees were on dry land. Well, just before we left here last year there were a series of rainy days, and I guess they had a wet summer and fall. Now the water level is back to where it was ten years ago! It is amazing how climate cycles, and the actual length of the cycles!

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