Friday, May 12, 2006

A Wild Time in Las Vegas

We have been in Las Vegas about a week and a half, visiting our daughter, Diana and her family, my grandson, Chris and his family and my granddaughter, Dale and her family. So we have had a good time, renewing our bonds, and of course getting together with all the great grandchildren. There are five great grandchildren in all.

We are parked up at a BLM campground West of Las Vegas. It is a beautiful place with lots of good hiking and beautiful cliffs and mountains. So far the weather has been pleasant – up in the high 80’s to low 90’s in the day, down in the 60’s as soon as it gets dark. Next week, hotter weather is predicted, and we may move to higher altitude.

As you can see in the pictures below, there is a wild crowd here in Las Vegas. Wild indeed, we have seen a coyote hunting in our camping area, and there are lots of long- legged jackrabbits hopping about. We were riding around the other day and saw several wild burros. They are protected here. There is a picture of them below under the shade of a Joshua tree – so you also can get an idea of what a Joshua tree is.

Of course many people come to Los Vegas to gamble. I have decided that I don’t like to gamble at all, so that is not much of a temptation for me. It is surprising how pervasive gambling is here, with slot machines widely distributed in area far outside the strip. In the grocery stores and in gas stations there is usually a small area set aside for slot machines.
I wonder how ordinary people could afford to feed that thing for an hour or so every day. Anyway, it seems to be a normal thing here.

We have just done a little hiking. We went on a 3-mile trip the other day. It gets too hot after 11:00 to be very comfortable walking.

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