Thursday, July 20, 2006

1. Four Wheeling with the Escapees

2. Geocaching with our Escapee Freinds

3. Mounument Valley

4. The Mexican Hat at Mexican Hat, Utah

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Duane Carr said...

Hi, Dan and Madeline,
Yes, we know these places! We have been many times down past the Mexican Hat. Somewhere we have pictures of the mittens as well. Way back (it seems) we were at an Elderhostel. One part of it was a trip over to Monument Valley, with the intent to get some good photos. Back then, I wasn't thinking blogs.
I have been taking flower pictures. I need to get my plant identifications together with the pictures and make a PowerPoint program.
Thinking of you and hoping the best for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dan & Madeline,

Looking at the date and location of your last blog, it looks like you two are going to miss Madeline's High School Reunion in Ithaca, NY. That's a shame as it looks like there will be a signifcant class presence and it should be a lot of fun. Love your blogs with a combination travelogue, art and some deep thinking. Today was the first time I got to enjoy the Hopkins experience.

Best regards,
John Stratakos